
Father Peter playing the violin Hospitality is offered to anyone seeking spiritual growth. Individuals, couples and families from various religious traditions or with no church connections have come as overnight guests or day visitors. Guests can be welcomed one or two at a time. They can stay for as little as a few hours or up to a week.

Our Goal is to engage in the ministry of Hospitality, by:

  • Maintaining a modest residence, with room for one or two guests at a time, in a place where the Canticle of Brother Sun can be clearly heard through the house and the land around it.
  • Acknowledging that we are guests on this earth; by joyously and thankfully receiving hospitality, and by living as guests respectful of each other and of the earth, herself.
  • Living out the "Inspiration of the Rule for Hermitages of Francis of Assisi", with each person and household seeking to live both the ministry of Martha and of Mary, alternately, as they appear in the Gospels of Luke and John, and in the writings and example of Francis and Clare.
  • Walking with people on their spiritual journey, praying with them for healing and reconciliation, and encouraging them to re-connect with a supportive tradition.